The Only Peer Discussion and Problem-Solving Group for Enterprise CIOs, So They Can Become More Capable Leaders for Your Company

Help Your CIO Lead Your Company to New Heights

Let's Get Started


The CIO Inner Circle (CIOIC) was created to help CIOs grow their skills, and use tools, strategies, and processes to become more skilled leaders. And in turn, generate growth for your company.

What can you expect when you invest in the CIOIC?

  • Your CIO can move around with other CIOs that understand where he or she is, what challenges they face, and what they have to deal with. Your CIO can brainstorm solutions with their peers and share common questions.
  • CIOIC meetings are a huge motivator for your CIO, and you can expect this group collaboration to make your company better at every meeting.
  • Peer groups train up your CIOs faster than courses or seminars with one speaker a month. They connect with other CIOs right away and discuss key challenges they are facing, and hear many solutions from more than one CIO. All of a sudden, they gain a group of peers who understand what they are going through. And when your CIO returns to your company, they bring solutions and implementation strategies the Board will get.
  • At CIOIC, instead of hearing just one speaker at a conference, they hear a topic, and hear many different perspectives and ideas on that topic. Your CIO will get a variety of answers and perspectives. They can evaluate all of them and see which ones would fit your company best.
  • Your CIOs find peers in their same role, so they can learn from each other, get new ideas and tools, and feel fired-up to get back to work and make your company better.
  • Through the groups and communication channels CIOIC operates, CIOs have connection to many other CIOs who are tackling the same challenges that they are, or who have already solved that challenge. They can then bring those insights back to your company.
  • Results and Accountability at Every Meeting: Your CIO will achieve results for your company at every meeting because their CIO peers hold them accountable to completing monthly deliverables set at the last meeting.
  • Through discussion and collaboration, your CIO gains the tools, insights and capabilities to operate your company, and steer it toward strong growth.
  • Expect a hefty return on your investment! How much money can you make with more efficient processes, better tools, and greater productivity? How much money can you save in avoided mistakes and poor-fit solutions?

Invest in your CIO to increase your company's productivity and bottom line. Apply Now.

And become a more competitive company with motivated employees who want to make your company better!


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